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terms & conditions

Issued: 11th September 2024

Our Terms & Conditions

A. Ageism Is Never In Style (AINIS) is a trading name of The Bias Cut Limited (Bias Cut) and in this document the word ‘we’ includes both AINIS and Bias Cut. AINIS is also a registered trademark and workmark.


B. Through the Ageism Is Never In Style website (AINIS Website) we make available a number of services and features. These include the Ageism Is Never In Style Modelling Network and the Ageism Is Never In Style Content Creator and Influencer Network (together the Networks and each a Network).


C. If you apply to join a Network you agree that the following Terms and Conditions (the Network Terms) apply.  If you do not wish to accept any of the Network Terms you should not apply to join a Network.


The Network Terms:


(1) When you join one of our Networks you are entered on that Network’s database to receive details of any opportunities we think might interest you. These opportunities may be with us or with a third party with which we are partnering or are otherwise working with. An opportunity may be remunerated or it may not be. Additional information to that requested on signing up to a Network may be requested from time to time in respect of some opportunities.


(2) We do not guarantee that there will be opportunities appropriate for you and we are not liable to you in any way for any failure to notify you of any opportunity that would interest you. We are not liable should we or a third party change the terms and conditions of any opportunity, cancel or withdraw an opportunity, change the requirements of a modelling opportunity and/or the date(s) a model is required.


(3) In notifying you of any opportunity we are acting merely as a messenger.We are not acting as your agent nor the agent of any third party with which an opportunity arises. We do not act on behalf of any third party unless we specifically state that we are doing so in respect of a particular opportunity. We are not liable for your failure to be offered a role we notify you of or for a third party withdrawing an offer made to you.


(4) We are not liable in any way for the outcome or consequences of our notifying you of a role or of your applying for or accepting any offer from a third party to undertake a role for them. We are not liable for any harm or other damage arising through use of a product or service provided by a third party you connect with as a result of our notifying you of an opportunity with them.


(5) We are not party to any arrangement you may enter into as a result of our notifying you of an opportunity with a third party.If you enter into a contract with a third party as a result of our notifying you of an opportunity with them we are not party to that contract and are not liable for any breach of that contract. For this purpose a breach includes, but is not limited to, a delay or failure to pay you as agreed under the contract.


 (6) AINIS may earn a fee for publicising a casting call or commission and/or other compensation in respect of links or features in a Network’s Newsletter.


(7) We may include in a Network’s Newsletter links to other websites or information we want to share with you. You click on any such link at your own risk and we are not liable for any outcome of your so doing, including, but without limitation, the potential risk of malware.

(8) We cannot be responsible for the privacy and security of any information you provide a third-party website or application and you should read its terms and conditions and privacy policy.


(9) Joining a Network is open to individuals, with or without an agent, but is not open to professional agents, agencies, organisations or companies.


(10) The Network Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.

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