I’m often asked: “which industry is worse when it comes to ageism? Fashion or beauty?”
The majority of people assume it’s beauty – after all, it’s the creator of anti-ageing products, and their continued existence only serves to underline the narrative that ageing is bad. However, I would say fashion is worse. Yes beauty is still predominantly youth focused, and there are concerns about targeting older consumers at the detriment of alienating younger consumers. But, unlike fashion, more of the beauty industry is at least aware of the issue and trying – with varying degrees of success – to address it.
The beauty industry does seem to be tuning into the issues, and more brands are attempting to be more inclusive and ‘pro-age’ which is encouraging. There are upcoming challenger brands like Jones Road (founded by THE Bobbi Brown) , Better Not Younger and 19/99 whose Unique Selling Points lie in being age-inclusive and age-positive. Then there are more established brands like Mac, L’Oréal and Charlotte Tilbury who are actively acknowledging and targeting the ‘older’ consumer by becoming more age-inclusive with their imagery, products and branding.
But there’s also a sense of confusion – and perhaps even panic.
Because alongside this age-inclusive, pro-age narrative still sits anti-ageing messaging – sometimes even within the same brand. Take the other day: when passing the store of a well-known British beauty and aromatherapy brand, I noticed two posters for the same product, one outside the shop on the board and one in the window. One advertised it as “pro-ageing”, the other “anti-ageing”... completely opposed messaging.
