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A Statement on the New Anti-Ageism Campaign by L'Oreal Paris

Writer: Jacynth BassettJacynth Bassett

Ageism Is Never In Style - and we are always delighted when this message continues to be amplified. So the new anti-ageism campaign by L’Oréal Paris is a welcome step in the right direction. And we are very flattered by the striking similarities & seeming inspiration by our ongoing activism campaigns.

Exposing, disrupting and striking out ageist language – even that which seems complimentary such as ‘you look great for your age ‘– has been at the core of much of our work at Ageism Is Never In Style®, since our launch in 2016 as an independent female-led award-winning movement, community & consultancy.

When we began our mission, anti-ageism wasn’t even on the table, but together have put it there, and ensured brands cannot ignore us. L’Oréal even emailed complementing our work & campaigns as “amazing” – so we should be extremely proud as a community for being instrumental & a catalyst in inspiring huge brands to take notice; it speaks to the immense power of us uniting together. Because ultimately it is our amazing community, who are the real drivers of change.

But whilst it is important to applaud progress, we must also highlight room for improvement. One principle of our manifesto is ‘Authenticity & Consistency’. So anti-ageism isn’t and cannot be treated as a trend; it must be commitment, and it remains to be seen if this is a one off campaign. Moreover, we believe any pro-age, anti-ageist message must disseminate throughout an entire brand; it is contradictory for it to sit alongside other lines, products & marketing that continue to promote anti-ageing, and youth focused narratives.

At Ageism Never in Style® we remain resolutely committed to ending ageism through our activism, campaigns & consultancy. And we are proud to to be working & consulting with beauty brands who are committed to championing age-positive and inclusive beauty.

So here’s to the next step of this ground-breaking movement; we’re already on it, big brands eg L’Oréal, catch up!


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