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our manifesto

Everything we do at Ageism Is Never In Style - from our consultancy and partnerships, to our campaigns and activism, to our content and visuals, right down to each individual social media - is deeply considered and informed, underpinned by our Manifesto.

Our Manifesto pillars are the standards and commitments we believe in, and that we continue to proudly and unapologetically uphold as we continue our unwavering mission to create a truly age-inclusive society. 


 Ending ageism means being empowered to choose how you wish to age, without judgement or pressure. 

We wholeheartedly believe that individuals should be able to make decisions about their body, free from judgement or ostracism from the communities that they belong to. 

We stand in solidarity with all victims of ageism. 


To deny ageing is to deny the experiences and individuality that it brings, and perpetuates the idea that ageing is something to be ashamed of. 

Only by celebrating the privilege beauty and enriched experience of ageing, can we change the narrative and remove the stigma from getting older.

Only by 


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>Hover over each pillar for more information<


Ending ageism means being empowered to choose how you wish to age, without judgement or pressure. 


We wholeheartedly believe all individuals should be able to make decisions about their body, free from judgement or ostracism from the communites they belong to.


We stand in solidarity with all victims of ageism.  



To deny ageing is to deny the wisdom, enriched experiences and individuality that it brings. And it perpetuates the idea that ageing is something to be ashamed of. 

Only by celebrating the beauty and privilege that is ageing, can we change the narrative around it and remove the stigma from getting older. 


We believe in addressing ageism and championing age-inclusivity with understanding, compassion & fairness. 

Rather than criticising potential victims of ageism (e.g. a celebrity who felt compelled to have botox), we want to ask, "who are the perpetrators? How can we get to the root of the issues and address them?


True, authentic age-inclusivity needs to be embedded into a brand, organisation and/or businesses' DNA. From product & services, to marketing, to social media, to visuals, to internal HR. Whilst any form of progress should be acknowledged and credited, tokenism and performative gestures are not sufficient. 

True authentic inclusivity is consistent across all areas of an establishment and held as priority to its core.


Ageism can, and is, experienced by any person at any age, and intergenerational healing, support and understanding is vital to ending ageism. One demographic or age should not be upheld through the disminishing or exclusion of another. 

However, we must also recognise points of intersectionality, including - but not limited to - gender, race, sexual orientation, disability and class, which must be understood and addressed.


Education is the foundation of change. 

To drive and enact lasting, impactful and sustainable change around ageism and age-inclusivity, it is crucial that all work and acts must be thoroughly informed. 

Through research, surveys, teachings, discussions & more, we remain committed to always learning and evolving - and imparting this  knowledge and education onto others.



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